IML 400 Spring 2013

Assignment 11: Final Project Landing Page (Iteration 1)

Individual assignment.

Let's define a Landing Page as the content presented to the user once they visit a URL. In the case of a single-page design, this will be the content filling the browser window prior to user interaction.

This assignment requires the implementation of a first iteration of the Final Project Landing Page. All static content should be provided, as well as functional hyperlinks to placeholder pages or, in the case of a single page design, placeholder sections. Animations and effects are not required.

Assignment Due Date

Assignment 11: Monday, April 8th, 6:00pm.


Next week we will host guest lecturer Kevin Driscoll. Kevin is a Digital Archeologist and a PhD student here at USC. He will tell us about his research on Ted Nelson and Xanadu, a failed project that once had a chance to become an alternate reality for what we now call the World Wide Web.

Please read and write a report on Kevin's paper: In order to get the best out of Kevin's lecture, you are recommended to refresh yout knowledge of three of your previous readings:

Reading Due Date

Web page: Tuesday, April 9th.