In this case the whole page is treated normally. The example with the five HTML tags and five CSS properties is contained inside a div (stare into the page source to see what I mean). Outside of this special div I am going to use all kinds of other things.
In addition to properties, CSS also allows to define states for HTML tags. This states allow for HTML tags to exhibit different behaviors based on user input. In this example I will introduce the :hover state, which will change the appearance of a tag when the cursor is positioned over it. Most of the web will tell you that these states are special for link tags (represented by the letter a), but in fact they can be used on any tag, as we are about to see.
This example also illustrated two different ways to embed an image on a webpage, one using the HTML img tag, and the other using the CSS background property. Both of them have their advantages.
The HTML tags I choose for this example are: div, img, a, p, strong.
The CSS properties I choose for this example are: background, width, height, float, margin.
Move your cursor over the images and see what happens. Then try to drag the images into your desktop. What's the difference? Why are they different?