IML 400 Spring 2014

Assignment 12: Final Project Complete, First pass.

Individual assignment.

The purpose of this assignment is to complete a first pass on the project as a whole. The website should feel finished, even if has missing parts. If a section is not finished or a particular software module is not working yet (for example slideshows or animated transitions), students should find a simple way to get around the absence of this aspect of their project.

Students should compare the state of their website with their design proposals and ask themselves the following questions: What has been achieved? What has changed and why? What is missing and why? A written list of answers to these questions should be available in class for workshop reviews.

Assignment Due Date

Assignment 12: Monday, April 14th, 9:00am.


Read the intro to Designing Media, and a chapter of your choice.

Designing Media, Bill Moggridge (Reference)

Reading Due Date

Web page: Monday, April 14th.