IML 400 Spring 2013

Assignment 1: History of the Web

Research and 15 minute Presentation.

Make a simple web page for the presentation content, and use this webpage to present your content. For this assignment it is only required that you use HTML. CSS and/or Javascript are optional. Images illustrating your research are required. To embed images in a webpage all you need is to use the img tag. This is an interesting digital artifact about this tag's early history.

Examine the source code of this page for a simple way to structure a page containing paragraphs and images.

  • Team 1: The web in 1994
  • Team 2: The web in 1998
  • Team 3: The web in 2002
  • Team 4: The web in 2006
  • Team 5: The web in 2013
  • Due Dates

    Web page: Monday, January 21th, 6:00pm.

    Each team leader should send an email to Luis and Adam with an attached ZIP file that contains the assignment directory. This directory should include all HTML, CSS, Javascript and image files used by assignment. It should load properly when opened as a file in Chrome.

    Presentation: Tuesday, January 22th, 4:00pm (In class).


    Vannevar Bush: As we may think
    Introduction to 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10

    Send an email to Luis and Adam with some thoughts about your readings.

    On Tuesday January 22nd at 6:00pm, we will attend the 10 PRINT event hosted by IML. This is a great opportunity to interact with the authors of this unusual book. Please come prepared.

    Readings Due Date

    Email: Tuesday, January 21th before class.