3 months ago- Saturday October 6, 2006 at 4:44pm · Like · View Post
Paulina AbellaWith the rise of social networking sites (such as myspace, facebook, and twitter), media aggregate sites (such as digg and reddit), and user-generated media sites (such as wikipedia and youtube), 2006 saw the internet take shape into a form relatively unchanged for the past 6 years.
2006 saw an estimated 92 million websites online, and an estimated billion users. Myspace had 75 million users, but Facebook began to take its place, becoming open in 2006 to users outside college campuses.
Lorem Ipsum responded:
Sites like Wikipedia.org, Youtube.com, and Ted.com promoted the idea that the web could be a powerful tool for self-education.
1 year ago- Sunday February 6, 2005 at 10:59pm · Like · View Post
Leo Swenson
Flash player technology overtook the practice of downloading files as the industry standard for viewing online video. In October 2006, Google Inc. acquires YouTube for $1.65 billion in a stock-for-stock transaction. This was their largest purchase to date even though Youtube was not profitable yet. Viral marketing was also taking modern form. The 2006 film "Snakes on a Plane." ARGs (Alternate Reality Games) began to enter popular awareness with lonelygirl15, Nine Inch Nail's Year Zero promotion.
Lorem Ipsum responded:
Two years later, Cloverfield would demand viewers delve into its massive ARG if they wanted any substantial understanding of the plot.
1 year ago- Sunday February 6, 2005 at 10:59pm · Like · View Post
Paulina Abella
Just for fun, here are some of the most popular youtube videos of 2006: